Η iOS 11 beta 5 έγινε διαθέσιμη χθες στους προγραμματιστές και όπως ήταν αναμενόμενο περιέχει μια σειρά από αλλαγές και νέα tweaks.
Μερικές από τις αλλαγές:
- Minor changes to Settings and Camera app icon to increase contrast
- Horizontal lines removed from Camera icon
- Smaller icons in Weather app
- 3D Touching a Control Center icon that lacks an action simulates a tap
- New play/pause button in Control Center music controls
- New source icon in Control Center navigates straight to AirPlay options
- Now Playing Lock screen widget shows output, album, and artist
- Screen Recording status bar is red instead of blue
- Accessing Cover Sheet no longer scrolls up content you were browsing
- Spotlight Search stays on screen when scrolling through widgets