Sunday, February 23, 2025

Οι 8 νέες εφαρμογές από την συνεργασία ΙΒΜ και Apple



H συνεργασία μεταξύ Apple και ΙΒΜ βλέπουμε πως μετά από λίγο καιρό έχει αποτέλεσματα τα οποία θα συμβάλουν σημαντικά στην νέα προσπάθεια της Apple να συμβάλει στην ιατρική έρευνα. Η συνεργασία αυτή ξεκίνησε το περασμένο έτος και είδαμε πως η καινοτομία της Apple στον σχεδιασμό λογισμικού συνεργάστηκε άπταιστα με την καινοτομία της ΙΒΜ στον σχεδιασμό προϊόντων, δημιουργόντας έτσι μια ισχυρή σχέση μεταξύ των δύο εταιρειών.

Μόλις σήμερα κυκλοφόρησαν 8 νέες εφαρμογές, οι 4 από τις οποίες προορίζονται για το healthcare industry. Επίσης, η σημερινή κυκλοφορία περιλαμβάνει και άλλου είδους εφαρμογές για διάφορα προϊόντα βιομηχανικά, retail και διάφορες ασφαλιστικές εταιρείες.

Από το website Apple + IBM (link) αναφέρονται τα εξής:

  • Hospital RN: Frees staff nurses from multiple pagers and phones, and gives them the ability to access any patient’s records from anywhere in the hospital. With iBeacon technology, Hospital RN accurately identifies patients by location so nurses can easily access their records and provide appropriate care.
  • Hospital Lead: Push notifications deliver escalated tasks efficiently, so they can be assigned to a staff member with a tap. Prioritized task lists allow issues to be reported, delayed, delegated, or marked complete. And the intuitive dashboard combines multiple hospital databases into a single view, which makes complex actions like patient discharges easy.
  • Hospital Tech: The Hospital Tech app for iPhone keeps nurse technicians closely connected to their care teams, so patient tasks are handled quickly and safely — and help is always a swipe away. Hospital Tech provides a real-time view of lab status, safety alerts, patient requests, and delegated tasks by accessing the hospital’s systems of record so nurse technicians always know exactly where to go and what to do. When shifts change, the next nurse technician is ready to hit the ground running.
  • Home RN: iPhone and iOS make it easy for nurses to add photos, videos, text, and audio notes to the patient’s record. Push notifications to the patient’s care team make sharing progress simple and fast. Location-based services built into iOS help nurses find patients’ homes and nearby pharmacies, urgent care centers, and labs. Home RN ushers in a whole new way to deliver home health care without all the paperwork, in a completely mobile workflow
  • Rapid Handover: Critical data including production goals, equipment maintenance, and crew lists are available at a glance in the moment of engagement. The photo and dictation capabilities on iPad capture issues like broken equipment and safety hazards. When a new shift begins, the incoming foreperson simply signs in to the app and immediately can see where the previous shift left off — saving valuable production time.
  • Ancillary Sale: Flight attendants can sell seat upgrades, food and beverages, and duty-free merchandise — all while in the air. And passengers can conveniently complete the transaction with Apple Pay or the swipe of a credit card via in-flight point-of-sale systems. The app also recalls passengers’ previous on-board purchases so flight attendants can recommend similar food and beverage items based on past preferences.
  • Order Commit: Merchants can access important metrics on financial targets and sell-through while in the office or on market trips. By integrating with the camera on iPad, the app lets merchants take photos of products and model performance against items with similar features.
  • Risk Inspect: With the camera on iPad, inspectors can capture photo and video of any site while on the job. Intelligent analytics suggest risk areas to focus on, and provide instant access to claim history, environmental and structural data, as well as neighborhood crime statistics.

To πρώτο κύμα εφαρμογών από την μεταξύ τους συνεργασία έκαναν την εμφάνιση τους τον περασμένο Δεκέμβριο, ενώ οι εταιρείες πρόσφατα κυκλοφόρησαν τις MobileFirst εφαρμογές στην Ιαπωνία. Όλες τις εφαρμογές μπορείτε να τις βρείτε στο website της Apple + IBM στο link που σας δώσαμε πιο πάνω.

Σχολιασμός στο φόρουμ

Dimitrios Georgoulas
Dimitrios Georgoulas
Dimitris is the co-owner and chief in editor of AppleWorldHellas. With a PhD Degree in Wireless Sensor Networks and with more than 10 years experience in covering Apple and technology news he loves the challenges and new adventures.



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