Sunday, March 9, 2025

Ανακοινώθηκαν οι νικητές των 2019 iPhone Photography Awards


Τα 2019 iPhone Photgraphy Awards (IPPAwards) ανακοινώθηκαν σήμερα. Οι φωτογραφίες που κέρδισαν προέρχονται από ένα μεγάλο εύρος κατηγοριών και έχουν γίνει λήψη από iPhone SE μέχρι και iPhone Xs.

Φωτογράφοι από περισσότερες από 140 χώρες έστειλαν τις λήψεις που κάνανε με το iPhone τους για τον φετινό διαγωνισμό.

The iPhone Photography Awards (IPPAWARDS) is proud to announce the winners of the 12th Annual Awards. This year’s winners were selected from thousands of entries submitted by iPhone photographers from over 140 countries around the world.


Η λήψη με την ονομασία Big Sister της Gabriella Cigliano είναι η μεγάλη νικήτρια για φέτος:

Big Sister Last year I spent a month in Wasa, Tanzania, teaching a class of young, curious and amazing guys. Before heading back to Italy we stopped in Zanzibar, where this photo was taken. I still wonder how could I capture that exact moment in all its beauty. I was just observing, a few meters from them, but they were probably more curious about me than I was about them, and that’s probably why the girl was looking at me. We couldn’t talk much, except for a few words in Swahili I had learned in the previous weeks, but those kids could definitely talk with their eyes. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen in my life, and I’ll keep it in my memories forever. The best part was showing them and their mums the photos, for some it was the first time they were seeing their faces, and their excitement was unexplainable, unfortunately my iPhone was in their hands and I couldn’t capture that! Location: Zanzibar, Africa Shot on iPhone X

Η παρακάτω λήψη του Diogo Lage με την ονομασία Sea Stripes και η οποία έγινε με ένα iPhone SE επίσης ήταν μέσα στα βραβεία:

Sea Stripes Sea Stripes was taken in Santa Rita Beach, Portugal where the striped beach tents are very typical and set the tone of the well organized and summery little villages. Playing along with this beachy mood, a bather in the distance embodies the spirit in a striped shirt.
Location: Santa Rita Beach, Portugal Shot on iPhone SE

Στην δεύτερη θέση συναντάμε την λήψη του Yuliya Ibraeva που έγινε με ένα iPhone 7 Plus την ώρα που έβρεχε.

Sorry, no movie today It was a hot summer day in Rome, Italy, even the asphalt was melting. We decided to escape from the city center to see the ancient trees of the Borghese Gardens and watch an Italian movie, but when we arrived the pouring rain began. We didn’t see the film, but I took wonderful pictures. It was great travel moment I’ll never want to forget.
Location: Rome, Italy Shot on iPhone 7 Plus

Ξεχώρισαν και βραβεύτηκαν επίσης οι:

Come Across I took this photo in the desert in Nevada, USA, at the Burning Man festival. I stood on a bridge and saw two people lost in a sand storm, but after a while, something very special came along, a huge silver ball.
Location: Nevada, USA Shot on iPhone X
Untitled My two year old son, Gabriel, totally captivated by his first experience of traveling by steam train.
Location: Peak Rail, Derbyshire Shot on iPhone XS Max
Dimitris Georgoulas
Dimitris Georgoulas
O Δημήτρης είναι συνιδιοκτήτης και αρθρογράφος του AppleWorldHellas. Κάτοχος διδακτορικού στα ασύρματα δίκτυα και την τεχνητή νοημοσύνη εργάζεται ως Project Manager στην εταιρεία ασφαλείας InnoSec και ως Marketing/Sales Director στην εταιρεία Nomikos Group of Companies. Αγαπημένη του συσκευή το iPhone 11 Pro Max του ενώ δεν αποχωρίζεται ποτέ πλέον το Retina MacBook Pro του. Μεγάλες του αδυναμίες η ψηφιακή φωτογραφία, και το σινεμά.



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